Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hanging in there

The herbs along the front walk are still alive, in spite of 90-degree days for weeks. They haven't gotten as big as I expected, so there is quite a bit of space between the plants. I planted additional herb seeds - chives, cilantro, and cutting celery - and they all sprouted, but the excessive heat proved to be too much for them, and they finally gave up. I'm trying again, starting them indoors; maybe next month I'll have more herbs to add. My Egyptian walking onions are due to arrive in August, so perhaps by first frost the front walk will be liberally lined with herbs.

Speaking of the heat, the birds have been slaking their thirst by pecking at my tomatoes. So I improvised a bird bath by placing an upturned composter lid in a bed of excess mulch. I fill it each morning, and they really seem to enjoy it.

The cats and I enjoy watching them from the dining room window. And no more holes pecked in tomatoes since I set this up, so everyone wins!



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